4x4 Cleansing Wipes for a Radiant Face
Get a bright, clean face with our 4x4 Cleansing Wipes. They're perfect for a deep but gentle clean.
Easy Steps for a Basic Clean:
- Start with a little bit of your favorite cleanser on your face. Massage it into your skin for 10-15 seconds without water.
- Slightly wet your hands, then keep massaging your face for 45 seconds. This mixes the cleanser with water for a better clean.
- Take two damp 4x4 wipes, fold them, and put them on your fingers. Wipe your face upwards and outwards to remove the cleanser and dirt. Flip the wipe to a clean side as needed.
- Keep rinsing the wipes until they look white, meaning your face is totally clean.
- Finally, pat your face dry with a clean towel. Your face will feel fresh and clean!
Use our 4x4 cleansing wipes every day for a refreshed and glowing face!